Saturday, November 29, 2014


For a month I have been staring at a white page on the screen attempting to summon a topic of interest and this morning looking out at the glittering white world I thought “make it a fresh start and stop being stressed”.  So here I sit thinking about new beginnings which is appropriate for various sundry reasons.  Christmas approaches, retirement stretches ahead, stacks of books, piles of resolutions and a multitude of projects all await.

All of which are material things but what about new beginnings for civilization, for mankind, for the earth?  Will there ever be an opportunity where there will be a “new heaven and a new earth”?   Every Sunday morning I listen, not to a minister preaching the gospel, but Bill Moyer discussing topics with individuals who are ostensibly seeking the greater good for America if not the whole world.  Afterward my thoughts go inevitably to the same old groove, why do we never learn beyond a certain point?  Why does it seem that just as there appears to be a turning point towards a good life for all some greedy movement pushes us back into the dark ages?

I don’t mean to be dismal about where mankind is and where it’s going but it does sometimes seem incredible that humanity does not seems to be able to kick Greed in the teeth and say “no more”.  It seems incredible that we can identify the good guys in any story but when it comes to real life we seem to be lost.  Abel is good, Cain is bad; Tarzan is good, white hunters are bad; Luke Skywalker is good, Darth Vadar is bad; the Starks are good, the Lannisters are bad; in all the stories that battle good against who of us votes for the wicked one?  The fact that books like The Hunger Games, Game of Thrones, Lord of the Rings and other books of their kind are so popular is because people identify with the fight between right and wrong, good and evil, rich and poor so why do we fail in our daily lives?

Someday all of those who identify with Good will put up their hand and say “no more” and it will be an unstoppable wave.  We know the White Hat always wins in the end.

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