Tuesday, July 30, 2019

A Miraculous Journey

The 21 day meditation of Deepak & Oprah which is now in week 3 is all about the Miracle that is You. For a while during the meditations I felt that it was a bit too much of the same, that there was nothing new to be told, that I knew it all, in effect. How wrong I was!
As I let my mind start accepting again the wisdom of the ages, opening myself up to the inner message of ME I began to appreciate that there can never be too much repetition when it comes to knowing ourselves and appreciating our uniqueness in the universe. At the same time I also learn that we are all connected, over and over again.
Some part of me instinctively seems to know how to connect to people while another part keeps me in reserve. There is always more to learn in letting down that barrier and accepting that the barrier is not a good thing but blocks the path to accepting others for who they are. There should be no judgment, no irritation but only acceptance that they are as divine as myself.
I say that in all humbleness, not with ego. Yes, I am getting there – slowly but surely.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Staying Calm

Now I will make you laugh by telling you that I wrote the last two blogs after I had done my Oprah/Deepak meditation. The current 21 day theme is Miraculous Relationships and as always we are supposed to find our inner self which is “pure joy and love”. Irony to write that our premier is an asshole and that I am spitting mad?
But I wrote it out of pure love, my dear readers, pure love for my fellow man and the civilization that I envision for us. Do not be like Jon Snow who flipped out on Daenerys in the finale as she explained her vision of a whole world of peace and freedom.
It is possible to have a country that not only aspires to high values and social justice but achieves these things. Our political system allows corporations to have too much influence over politicians by the amount of contributions they are able to make to campaigns thus putting the government and politicians under extreme obligation. Case in point, SNC Lavalin and our current prime minister. No country is perfect but some work harder at it than others. I would like Canada to walk the talk and not just be a pretty face attempting to fool the world into believing the heart is there. Trudeau has thrown too many good people under the bus when political interests took precedence over principle.  I will never get over it.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Why I am Concerned

Many years ago I would have discussions with my boss about what the state of the project was in and if there was a particular area that I had concerns about I would say “I am worried . . . “.  Dave would correct me and say “don’t say worried, say concerned”. It was his job to worry! 
Yesterday I wrote a heartfelt blog about the things that concern me. To be more specific, I am concerned that individuals focus on what is good for them and ignore the rest of the “debris” around them. Those who continue to advocate the oil sands and put out Facebook and Instagram messages denying that there are concerns really annoy me (to say the least). On the other hand, those environmentalists who bash the oil sands unequivocally also irritate me. What I would like to see is a balance wherein folks can continue to work in the oil sands BUT at the same time I would like to see more vocal indications from the companies that they are also working towards developing more sustainable energy avenues. As well, I would like to get a semi-annual statement from the industry on how many new trees are being planted as part of recovery plans for the area and what other recovery initiatives are being done.
That is just an example of a hot button issue here in Alberta.
I am afraid I cannot speak of our current premier with anything like civility as I think he is a F’ing asshole who is simply working at self-aggrandizement. Not one single act of his has in any way been motivated to help the PEOPLE of this province. He has catered to business, first, last and always. Have you seen a company go to the polling booth? He has reduced corporate taxes, he has revoked Labour Standards laws (reducing minimum wage, taking away overtime pay, lowering minimum age for workers – hey, let’s bring back child labour). He has revoked Workers’ Compensation for farm workers because why should farmers have to insure their employees to the same level as other businesses? Once again a Conservative government is trying to break unions because why should a nurse, teacher, civil servant, police officer, fireman or EMS worker have to have the same benefits as lying, cheating, thieving politicians who can’t keep their dicks in their pants?
Next time you vote you should do your homework and see if you actual ARE better off with a conservative rather than a “socialist” government. And for crying out loud DO NOT embarrass yourself by making the same mistake as a flipping American who equates socialism with communism. Elementary history lesson in high school should have taught you that and if that isn’t good enough check out a Scandinavian country and contrast it with China. 
Yes, I get spitting mad sometimes but you know what – it does get the old juices flowing!

Monday, July 22, 2019

Look Away

If you are uncomfortable talking, listening or thinking about politics – look away.
If you feel you are not directly impacted by shutting down Gay-Straight alliances – look away.
If you think climate change is not affecting your life – look away.
If you think that “sticks and stones don’t break any bones” – look away.
If you think that what happens elsewhere does not affect you – look away.
If you think a moral compass is not important in those who govern – look away.
If your child isn’t bullied and you don’t need to be concerned about Johnny next door – look away.
If the only thing that matters is your own cosy life – look away.
That’s what the German population did in the 1920’s and surprise, surprise, the world could not long look away, but only after millions of people (Jews, gypsies, homosexuals, political dissidents) were exterminated. Every single citizen’s actions and voice matters no matter how uncomfortable you may feel. A citizen should be informed about every aspect of daily life, not just YOUR life, but of those all around you; in your home, your community, your province, country and the world. Perhaps we cannot always see that what we are doing makes a difference, but being silent, or looking away, is not a good response.
I’m just saying.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019


I will begin today by giving an update to my condition. I am in a very healthful frame of mind due in great part to another excellent check-up with my treatment specialist. I am still down in my cancer marker and he repeated what he told me last month; that I am the only one of his patients on this treatment who is responding to it. It is great news and we are going forward with the medication.
I forgot to mention to him that along with the medication I am taking a daily dose of vitamins in conjunction with alkaline water which my brother-in-law is providing to me. I truly believe that this added part of the regimen has escalated my “recovery” because prior to adding them to my schedule my check-ups were somewhat discouraging.
Finally but perhaps most important of all, since May I have been outdoors almost every single day for at least a couple of hours and often up to  8 hours. The sunshine and the therapy of gardening and making my surroundings pleasant has soothed my nerves and what little anxiety I may have had. Now you may wonder at my staying “little anxiety” but the truth is that I have never in the 2 years since my diagnosis ever asked “why me” or lamented over my so-called fate.  I have wondered how it is that with all my check-ups that I was not diagnosed until I was at Stage Four but I have never been bitter, resentful, angry or had any other negative emotion. I honestly believe having this positive frame of mind has kept me going through all the various treatments, ups and downs and so on.
In the beginning Mom and I had two emotional moments where we wept a little and once in the hospital I did start to cry when, once again, the nurse practitioner gave me some bad news. I apologized to the nurse that was holding my hand, saying “I am sorry I lost my composure”. She was kind and said I had every right to feel anything I wanted to feel.
So I say with the most heartfelt gratitude, thank you Lord for giving me the personality that has allowed me to go through this with dignity and a true heart.
My cup runneth over.

Friday, July 12, 2019

Blushing Repetition

Despite my so-called sabbatical I will admit that my themes certainly hit the same targets (am I mixing metaphors)!
A little while ago I used the phrase “there is nothing new under the sun” and my sister immediately jumped to refute it. The quote originates in Ecclesiastes 1:9 which says
“The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.”
I have discussed before the concept of infinity, the universe, spirituality and how all questions seem to have been addressed from the earliest days of recorded human history. Yes we have new inventions all the time but my understanding is that anything the human mind conceives is somehow paralleled in the natural universe (I may be wrong, but I don’t think so, quoting Mr. Monk). When people come up with ideas, fantastic ideas, it is great. But one can argue that others may have thought of these ideas anytime, anywhere but because they aren’t famous who knows about them?
What I was trying to get across at the time, and today as my excuse for repeating myself, is that there are recurring themes in philosophy or in discussions (in any realm). When one reads a lot it isn’t long before “there is nothing new under the sun”.  One can refer to an analysis of fiction that posits the idea that there are only 7 basic plots.
The bottom line, for this mea culpa moment is that I am going to repeat myself!

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Sabbatical - Part Two

These last two months have also brought quite a few rainy days so in between the rain showers I have been using my mental powers with a lot of education programs and reading. There have been a few shows that had a sort of synchronicity for me; stories about longevity, retirement and continual education. Subjects that are in my wheel house; what satisfaction to have my thoughts endorsed and expanded upon. Listening to various experts and researchers spurred me into mental action and here is some of what I came up with.

Globally humans are living longer lives but society has not kept up with that reality. We are still being educated in the style of the 1880’s where we go to school, finish high school, some going on to college but once we are finally graduated the vast majority of people stop learning. Many (and embarrassingly more than there ought to be) never even open a book again! Initially when we go out into the work force we may get a little training in the job we are set to but after a few years the majority of employees are almost robotic in their style of work, regardless of being in an office environment, factory or in the ditches (so to speak). Even professional workers often get only minimal upgrades in their training or they simply go through the motions of reading the materials sent by their profession. I speak generally, of course.
Currently the model of life is based on three phases; childhood, working career and retirement at 65. Retirement used to mean that one had perhaps 10 good years left to enjoy retirement. Today many of us live to 85, 90 or beyond. So unless you have a good retirement income where one may travel or indulge in various pleasures and hobbies the retiree will be living a hand to mouth existence who may hve the option to become a Walmart greeter? Society is neglecting a whole group of people who are experienced, vital and still able and willing to contribute to society.
Society needs to make a shift in educating us from our childhood to embrace lifelong learning as part of our culture. Continual learning will prepare us for a longer life as well as the increasing risks of being put out to pasture earlier in our careers. A good example is the state of Alberta today where a large number of our workforce lived in the expectancy that oil would be king forever and jobs in that field (and its knock-off jobs that supported that industry) would be lucrative and plenty. Along came 2012 when the EU addressed energy efficiency and Oil Sands took their first major hit the following year; by 2015 with the Paris Accord things only got worse.
Looking back at yesteryear is good from a historical perspective but for a politician to hearken back to the good old days of industry (whatever it may be) is regressive. One needs to keep pace with the reality of the world and attempting to turn back the clock on things which are now proven to be poor for the earth is not a good approach. Politicians, journalists, educators and employers all need to be on board with The Future since the vast majority of The Public already believe in climate change and a changing world. 



Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Sabbatical - Part One

I am back after a well-earned “sabbatical”.  I was feeling spent and had nothing more to give or observe!  Oh dear, is that even possible for me to admit?
Without having an editor to admonish, advise, encourage or prompt one it is easier for a writer to fall into bad habits. In particular there is a habit of coming across as too know-it-all and from there one can become repetitive in a rather unpleasant sort of way. At least, that is how I was beginning to feel about my various blogs. All this mea culpa excusing is one way of me justifying two months of nothing!
I have, however, been recharging my batteries both physically and mentally and to some extent even spiritually. Since ending my writing in May I have spent almost every day out in my garden attempting to make it ever beautiful. I have written many times before about the therapeutic effects of gardening but I cannot stress it enough that for those who enjoy the outdoors working in the flower or vegetable beds is rewarding in many ways. First of all you have the health of being outdoors in sunshine and fresh air. You have the pleasure of listening to the birds, bees and other critters making their songs and noises. There is the delight in placing the plants in a pattern that pleases you. The sensation of the earth and the plant in your hands as you work with them.
Finally there is the nature silence that can bring one into a meditative state where you simply become one with all that surrounds you.  That sounds a little peculiar, I know, but when I am digging my holes for my plants I often am not even thinking about the plant but simply experiencing the experience.
When it is done for the day there is the final pleasure of sitting on the deck and looking around you and feeling the satisfaction of work well done as well as resting the eyes on beauty.
That is part of what these two months have been about.  More tomorrow.