Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Staying Calm

Now I will make you laugh by telling you that I wrote the last two blogs after I had done my Oprah/Deepak meditation. The current 21 day theme is Miraculous Relationships and as always we are supposed to find our inner self which is “pure joy and love”. Irony to write that our premier is an asshole and that I am spitting mad?
But I wrote it out of pure love, my dear readers, pure love for my fellow man and the civilization that I envision for us. Do not be like Jon Snow who flipped out on Daenerys in the finale as she explained her vision of a whole world of peace and freedom.
It is possible to have a country that not only aspires to high values and social justice but achieves these things. Our political system allows corporations to have too much influence over politicians by the amount of contributions they are able to make to campaigns thus putting the government and politicians under extreme obligation. Case in point, SNC Lavalin and our current prime minister. No country is perfect but some work harder at it than others. I would like Canada to walk the talk and not just be a pretty face attempting to fool the world into believing the heart is there. Trudeau has thrown too many good people under the bus when political interests took precedence over principle.  I will never get over it.

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