Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Sabbatical - Part One

I am back after a well-earned “sabbatical”.  I was feeling spent and had nothing more to give or observe!  Oh dear, is that even possible for me to admit?
Without having an editor to admonish, advise, encourage or prompt one it is easier for a writer to fall into bad habits. In particular there is a habit of coming across as too know-it-all and from there one can become repetitive in a rather unpleasant sort of way. At least, that is how I was beginning to feel about my various blogs. All this mea culpa excusing is one way of me justifying two months of nothing!
I have, however, been recharging my batteries both physically and mentally and to some extent even spiritually. Since ending my writing in May I have spent almost every day out in my garden attempting to make it ever beautiful. I have written many times before about the therapeutic effects of gardening but I cannot stress it enough that for those who enjoy the outdoors working in the flower or vegetable beds is rewarding in many ways. First of all you have the health of being outdoors in sunshine and fresh air. You have the pleasure of listening to the birds, bees and other critters making their songs and noises. There is the delight in placing the plants in a pattern that pleases you. The sensation of the earth and the plant in your hands as you work with them.
Finally there is the nature silence that can bring one into a meditative state where you simply become one with all that surrounds you.  That sounds a little peculiar, I know, but when I am digging my holes for my plants I often am not even thinking about the plant but simply experiencing the experience.
When it is done for the day there is the final pleasure of sitting on the deck and looking around you and feeling the satisfaction of work well done as well as resting the eyes on beauty.
That is part of what these two months have been about.  More tomorrow.

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