Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Why I am Concerned

Many years ago I would have discussions with my boss about what the state of the project was in and if there was a particular area that I had concerns about I would say “I am worried . . . “.  Dave would correct me and say “don’t say worried, say concerned”. It was his job to worry! 
Yesterday I wrote a heartfelt blog about the things that concern me. To be more specific, I am concerned that individuals focus on what is good for them and ignore the rest of the “debris” around them. Those who continue to advocate the oil sands and put out Facebook and Instagram messages denying that there are concerns really annoy me (to say the least). On the other hand, those environmentalists who bash the oil sands unequivocally also irritate me. What I would like to see is a balance wherein folks can continue to work in the oil sands BUT at the same time I would like to see more vocal indications from the companies that they are also working towards developing more sustainable energy avenues. As well, I would like to get a semi-annual statement from the industry on how many new trees are being planted as part of recovery plans for the area and what other recovery initiatives are being done.
That is just an example of a hot button issue here in Alberta.
I am afraid I cannot speak of our current premier with anything like civility as I think he is a F’ing asshole who is simply working at self-aggrandizement. Not one single act of his has in any way been motivated to help the PEOPLE of this province. He has catered to business, first, last and always. Have you seen a company go to the polling booth? He has reduced corporate taxes, he has revoked Labour Standards laws (reducing minimum wage, taking away overtime pay, lowering minimum age for workers – hey, let’s bring back child labour). He has revoked Workers’ Compensation for farm workers because why should farmers have to insure their employees to the same level as other businesses? Once again a Conservative government is trying to break unions because why should a nurse, teacher, civil servant, police officer, fireman or EMS worker have to have the same benefits as lying, cheating, thieving politicians who can’t keep their dicks in their pants?
Next time you vote you should do your homework and see if you actual ARE better off with a conservative rather than a “socialist” government. And for crying out loud DO NOT embarrass yourself by making the same mistake as a flipping American who equates socialism with communism. Elementary history lesson in high school should have taught you that and if that isn’t good enough check out a Scandinavian country and contrast it with China. 
Yes, I get spitting mad sometimes but you know what – it does get the old juices flowing!

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