Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Weather Attitude

We all know it and yet we find ourselves helpless to combat how the weather can affect our wellbeing and mental attitude. It has been grey, damp, cold and just plain “September” and so Mom and I have been hibernating in our PJs, lolling on the sofa and watching the old “Poirot” episodes. It’s hard to get motivated when one is still in their pajamas. Its one thing to have a “comfy, cozy” sort of day but it’s another thing to be constantly in the pajamas and doing nothing but vegging out!
Normally we both make the effort to get dressed every morning, even when we have had a crappy night but just lately we have been wallowing and today I said “enough is enough”. Back to the grind, the computer, the blog, to anything but this pitifulness!
Poor Cherie has been wailing and moaning because he, for one, has definitely felt that we were being no fun at all and he wants to go out to play. Well, off you go!
And here’s a little side note; Erik and Mom were really impressed when we were sitting on the deck the other day and I said “here comes John”. I can tell when he is turning the corner and when it is someone else. Most of the other vehicles take the corner at high speed but John takes it slow and easy and so there is a certain hum to his motor that sounds different from the other trucks swinging by. It’s a gift, what can I say?

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