Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Rose Coloured Glasses

In the tranquility of home, hearth and garden it is simple to wear rose coloured glasses because everything is quite marvelous, particularly during the summertime.  But as my father was wont to say “nature is cruel, but nature is true” and while we have enjoyed observing our robins nesting around the property we have now been through the ordeal of watching the last of the four nestlings suffer defeat.  We didn’t see the poor little thing fly out of the nest but there must have been a crash landing as it perched in the grass all day.  When approached it would awkwardly flat its wings and just as awkwardly hop a few tiny steps away.  We left it alone as we didn’t want to bring on a frantic heart attack.  Next day we took comfort that the nestling was building strength and being cared for by Mother Bird who squawked around us, trying to distract us away from Baby.  Baby had hopped under the deck which was quite a distance from the night before.  Two more days and we find Baby gone.  No feathers lying about seem to indicate that there was no struggle so we hope that the creature has somehow gained strength and taken flight.
       In the same way, when we become inundated with world news of a negative nature there comes a saturation point where we simply tune out and mentally say that we cannot do anything about it so we have to trust that somehow things will work out for the best.  That’s how wars happen, the ostrich effect, the rose coloured glasses.  One can be anxious about outcomes but we know there isn’t anything we can do to affect that outcome so we simply let it go and wait for the results.
       Finally, when we look at our personal life and things become overwhelming we are tempted to check out in the same way but here we must put the brakes on that type of retreat.  Our own life, believe it or not, is in our own control.  No matter what is happening, professionally or personally, we do have a right to control our part in the “play” since this truly affects our day-to-day life.  When we get into the personal, we have to take off those rose coloured glasses and fix whatever needs fixing.  We cannot ignore what is going on, as long as it is within our control, we need to control it.
       And that’s all I’m going to say about that!

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