Thursday, July 11, 2013

Life in Any Lane

Have you noticed that it doesn’t seem to matter which lineup you choose, some days the luck is simply not with you?  You can pick the shortest line and just when you think you are next the person has chosen an item without a tag, or worse, she goes into a discussion about heaven only knows what while you stand impatiently tapping your foot.  Or you pick a slightly longer line but you’ve assessed that everyone only has one or two items so the flow should be fast.  Not likely, again someone decides they need to know the origins of the product, they change their mind and the cashier has to call for assistance to get a replacement product or again, who knows what the heck is going on up at the till other than the fact that it is NOT MOVING.  Choosing a lane is happenchance, some days you are lucky and others, well, you get the picture.

       Choosing how we live our life is rather like picking a lane. There are countless choices that have to be made through life, the early ones made by our parents but by the time we enter school there are things we must choose for ourselves.  Just think about how many choices you make in a day, getting out of bed, what clothes to wear, how seriously you want to wash and put on makeup, how fast you want to drive to the bus stop, where you want to sit on the bus, which stop to get off on, bring a lunch or eat out, what task to get to first, how many people you want to connect with that day, what time to leave work, what to have for supper, what to do after supper, which calls to answer; then there is the more serious decisions, like do you want to quarrel with this person, do you want to take up the gauntlet and fight city hall about a certain issue that is really bothering you, do you want to retire at what age, should you change jobs, should you go to the doctor for your check up next month?  Life altering decisions some of them, all in a day, times how many days of your life adds up to a whole lot of lanes!

       We also have choices in how we choose to handle our decisions, our disappointments, our life altering events.  By all these choices we can end up either in a state of grace or a state of chaos.  Which lanes are you choosing?

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