Tuesday, September 8, 2015

What Works for You?

Now if that isn’t a loaded question I don’t know what is.  But let me quickly narrow down the possibilities in that question.  Specifically, what is working for you in your life?
I’m asking that question because a dear relative of mine spent most of last year questioning his purpose and wondering if he was where he ought to be.  He was young enough to take a plunge off into an adventure and using the words of Frodo Baggins “it’s a dangerous business going out your front door” off he went to find himself anew.
So I pose the question, is your life working for you as it is right now?  Is your day to day life giving you purpose and fulfilling the vision of yourself that you had when you were 6, 12 or 18?  Is any part of that younger person still in you or do you feel you are too old to have imagination, adventure or fun anymore?  Heck, if you are anything like me you still feel young inside even though your bones, muscles and organs protest every time you roll around in bed!  So just shake your head and then lie down on the floor, close your eyes and just think.
Remember when you lay in the grass with bugs hopping around you while sand slowly sneaked into your shorts or under your shirt.  Remember when you could hear the sound of the grass moving around your ears and you could feel the tickle of a fly whizzing past you.  Remember how the sun burned through your closed eyelids and you could make out daisies and tree shadows and maybe even a crow flying through the air.  Remember how you ignored your mother as she called for you to get up and not to get dirty.  Now start remembering when those feelings of being a kid left you.  When did that start to happen?  Was it when you entered high school, the pressure of homework, exams and thoughts of college?  Was it when you graduated and you wondered what was going to happen next, were you going to take a job, go hiking in Europe for a year or were you going straight into college to study for your dream job?  Or were you simply going to college to please your parents?  Oh, and then the marriage happened, the babies came, the mortgage needed to get paid, the kids needed new shoes, an education, a second car, keeping up with the Joneses, vacations, another mortgage, another car.  Obligations.  More obligations.
Stop the bus, I want to get off!
Here’s what I know for sure, life throws us all kinds of curve balls, some of them pretty darn hard.  But how we meet each one of those curves is what develops us into who we become.  It’s not for me to say how you should handle them but today I am asking you to take a look at where you are going and if things are working out like you want them to.  If not, it’s never too late to change your mental attitude and find the fun in life.  Because every time you open the door to your mind you can find that adventure.

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