Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Give Me That Old Time Religion

The title is deceiving because anyone that knows me will know that is about as far from my wish as I can get!  So why am I starting off with a title like that? 

As my readers know I have been studying not only the Old Testament but religion in general since last winter and I have discovered some really lovely writers and philosophers living and long gone.  The various ideas and themes have allowed me to take religion and turn it inside out and upside down, exploring various ways of accepting a god or a spiritual life.  One writer I particularly enjoyed reading was Marcus Borg and his book “The Heart of Christianity” which explores the ways that being Christian today can be relevant despite doubts about the existence of a supreme being.  What a concept and yet as he outlined his own spiritual journey it made a lot of sense. 
Understanding the true source of spiritual writings also helps one to come to grips with what is real, what is relevant, what we can throw away and what is valuable.  Even though one may not believe that the Bible is inspired by God it doesn’t mean that many of the teachings are not important and worth our while to consider and perhaps even live by.  What could be wrong with loving one’s neighbor or doing unto others as you’d have them do unto you?  What is wrong with respecting one’s parents or other people’s possessions?  Good stuff, all.
However a lot of “old time religion” is so out of step with what is psychologically good for the soul that it should be thrown out the window.  Dwelling on the gloomy side of life and all the evil in the world doesn’t really do anyone good as a day to day practice.  It’s so much better to look at what is good in the world and making efforts to do “one good deed” every day, as the Girl Guide’s motto invoked.  As I reflect on the state of the world today I wonder where all the good has gone.  I know that there are millions of good people on earth but they and their deeds seem to be constantly swallowed up in the onslaught of what is sensational and even downright wicked.
Let me talk about that tomorrow – but for today – think about what is good in your life and then smile and be happy.

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