Saturday, August 4, 2018

Being Sick

What child doesn’t call out to their mother when they are sick or in distress?  When I was feeling sick my first and only thought was “I want my mother” just like Scarlett.  “I want my mother, I need my mother.”  A feeling of panic would come over me if I couldn’t call out (sometimes I was so scared I would lose my voice).  If she didn’t come right away, I was almost frantic.  The moment she was at my bedside I would calm right down.  She would put her hand on my forehead to make sure I wasn’t faking (Faking?  Couldn’t she see the panic in my eyes?), say some words and then go and put a wet cloth on my forehead.  Later I would have some ginger ale if it was a fever or a light tea if it was a cold.

I distinctly remember having the measles when I was 7 years old and I was so very sick that my father had to take me into their bed and nurse me all night.  I had a very high fever and was delirious.  When the fever went down a bit I remember saying in the weirdest voice “the sheets are wrinkled like waves”.   To this day I remember the scene as vividly as if it was just happening.   The oddest memory.

We were all sick with the mumps when I was in Grade 7, one after the other we dropped like flies.  I was sick for 2 whole weeks, away from school, feverish and in so much pain.  My youngest brother Erik was sick for over a month.  And what do I remember besides the pain?  I remember begging John to get me a chocolate bar (he had recovered earlier than I) and once he sneaked it into my room, via the window (not really sure why it had to be done that way but he liked intrigue) I could only eat one bite before the sweetness caused so much pain I nearly fainted.  The first time I didn’t finish a chocolate bar!

Mom was vigilant but with 6 kids who grew up on detective stories it wasn’t easy to keep us in check.  But when we were sick, she was there on the spot, on the job, keeping us safe.   Keeping us alive.  I still  have the best, most vigilant Mom in the world.  Last thing before bed she checks on me and asks me if I am feeling okay.  “I am fine Mom, no pain, good night.”

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