Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Aliens Amongst Us

A week or so ago some folks in my community saw some mysterious lights over their farms and concluded that there might be UFOs flying around us.  These are respectable people and I’m sure that the lights were so out of the ordinary that they are certainly justified in speculating on the possibility of aliens.  People do tend to make fun of this topic however and if a person has a particular passion for this subject they can be construed as an oddball.  But the topic is interesting and there are many curious events in the world that could cause a person to question whether we are alone as human beings on this planet.

While I won’t rule out the possibility of life beyond our planet I do feel rather dubious about any having so far landed on Earth.  I am more inclined to believe that the lights seen over town were “secret military ops” rather than UFOs. 

I have a hard time understanding why any government would need to have alien landings be such a big secret.  Considering all the things we already “know” about government shenanigans, the wicked things already perpetrated on an unsuspecting society, what possible damage could knowing aliens are amongst us really cause?  Okay, so maybe the idiots in the Bible Belt would have a total meltdown to know that the Bible might not be the real deal but really, who else gives a care?  Would there be mass hysteria if President Obama or Prime Minister Harper came out and said “We are pleased to announce we have visitors from Mars”?  Considering how little excitement there was over the invasion of Crimea I expect the excitement would be more generally felt in media circles as they tried to sell as many newspapers and magazines as possible, “milking the story”.  Just look at how crazed they have become over the missing Malaysian plane!  From that perspective I suppose one would say there would be hysteria, but for the average Joe, I am guessing not so much.

I don’t think we would get excited until they were revealed to be stealing all our water (like in the series “V”).  But maybe I am one of the few who see it that way.  How would you feel if you stumbled upon some little white man with a big head?

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