Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The Next Big Thing

The magic of a PVR helps to eliminate all that white noise we call commercials but even as I whiz past them all I wonder to myself “What am I missing?  Could there be something really big that I am missing out on?”  Seldom do I slow the machine down to catch a bit of the blurb because the truth is most of the time I feel so inundated with information that my mind feels as though it will explode.

Reading books, the newspaper, a magazine, listening to the radio, talking with colleagues and friends, there seems to be a lot of information to absorb on a regular basis.  Then there is the inside noise in your brain, your dreams, your meditation, your so-called mindless wanderings that also have to be collected, sorted and thrown away.  Raw information.  Somewhere in all of that, do you maybe think you could have the next big thing?

Frequently there are things on the tip of our tongue, hovering on the edge of our mind, just beyond the fog of the dream, that could perhaps, maybe, almost be that magic thing that could make you a millionaire.  Or not.  It could just be something that you think would be really cool but everyone else thinks a total dud.  The magical thing about our minds though, is that we have one and we need to slow down once in a while to appreciate what is going on in that head of ours because maybe, just maybe you are on to something big.

Isn’t that a cool thought?  Stop and think about what you are thinking about.  It’s kind of nice.

My little niece said that to my dad once, he laughed for days.

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