Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Fun with Thinking

I have been thinking . . . one often will start a conversation with that little gambit and we may get sarcastic rebuttals about the pain of that exercise.  However, I have actually been thinking about this and that but mostly about how to get the most out of a life in retirement.  Everyone has their own character, their own style, their own philosophy and no one is right or wrong.  Or are they?
I think there is one style that is definitely wrong and that style is not having any plan and suddenly finding yourself retired with nothing to do.  These people have a shock coming to them when I tell them that their chances of living more than a year in retirement are slim.  I was personally very shocked to learn this fact and was relieved that I, at least, had a plan.  I am grateful for having the ability to think ahead. True it is a blessing and a curse but I’ll take it anyway.
My friends are concerned about me taking on more farm responsibilities.  Building my apiary, adding to my flock of hens and building up a fruit farm seems to them too much working and not enough retirement.  However I love being out in the fresh air, I love the physical exercise of digging in dirt, I find my hens comical and endearing and the anticipation of bee keeping is very exciting since I will be learning something that is both science based and creative.  I cannot imagine just sitting back drinking pina coladas or watching soap operas.
I am writing new goals in my Jumpstart book and will be excited to review them in 2018.
2018 . . . I can’t believe how fast this century is moving along.  Is that something old people say?


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