Sunday, October 22, 2017

Holy, holy, holy

After such serious blogs the last few days let’s talk about something nice.  While things can and are tough around the world there is always hearth and home to make things nice.  We Danes like to hygge (comfy, cosy) as much as possible.  My aunt Jonna was the Queen of Hygge.  By simply putting a candle on a coffee table (which she had added a runner or table cloth) she would set out coffee cups (on saucers), little dishes for cake, and then serve a dainty sandwich or bun and some little cakes.  Always simple but served with panache.  And we would chat, giggle, guffaw, laugh for an hour or two.  It was the chat and the laughter that kept us happy but her first setting the stage made it oh so perfect.

In Canada we tend to have mugs of coffee, a donut or Danish and skip the candles so the hygge is not always quite so perfect, but our family is good on the chat, the louder conversations (oh yeah, we can be Vikings) but we can also give a good belly laugh and sly chuckles.  Something we are good at is laughing at ourselves and also poking a finger at each other’s weak spot (mostly in a nice way). 

My girlfriends and I can hang out and be cosy with a cup of tea or coffee, a little nibble of this and that and Whole Lot of Conversation.  We can hit hot topics, politics, personal case history, books, you name it we can enjoy ourselves so much it’s hard to say goodbye.  That’s another kind of hygge.

Mom and I can hang out while we watch our soapie dopies, Mom will knit and I will lounge (yep, the chemo affects my hands and my eyes so I cannot really do any embroidery like I used to do).  We hold each other’s hand and say I love you, watch a show, have our dinner while we watch Corrie Street, and enjoy being together. 

We can be still and meditate and simply find comfort in our quiet little life.  We bless each other at night and wish good health, good night. 

I hope everyone in my life can be as fortunate as me in my loving family, friends, colleagues, medical staff and so much more.  

My cup runneth over. 


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your personal thoughts and experiences. Very thought provoking...
    I just binge read your latest blogs and have very strong opinions that match closely with your on the arts. I also believe we should resource professional arists as well as public opinions.

    Reading your personal accounts of harassment brought back life episodes I made smaĺl in my memory.
    There are bullies, predators, and sometimes people who mistake a kind gesture or kindness as an invitation.
    I just revisited the incidents I had left behind and defined and categorized them accordingly.

    Accountability and responsability... not just theirs but mine. Even now I find a smile or kindness can be misconstrued as a flirtation. Communication and clarity are important.
    Our weapons of defense are our strength,courage,intelliegence and self love.
    I am older, wiser and have much better boundies... yet human and still vulnerable
