Monday, October 16, 2017

Soothing the Soul

Things that make me light hearted include any critter, nature, the right book, a sweet movie, cinnamon buns and a really good apple.  Little kids who can talk and play and just be fun.  My mother when she does something silly.

I think people in general look at the world and their life in a rather grey way.  I hope that “the mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation” is not true but sometimes I do wonder.  Is it so?  One can understand those who live on the poverty line, those who can barely make ends meet would be stressed to the max but I hope that they can find moments in their day when things are pure gold.  It must be hard to dwell in a pool of negativity all the time.  I am enormously grateful that I was born an optimist and that I don’t have the “depression” gene that so many people seem to have. 
So today I’d just like to say to my readers, take some time to enjoy the sunshine around you.  Even on a grey, bleak day there is a bird in a tree and cat under the tree and action waiting to happen.  There’s always something that can make you smile, if you just look around you.

Happy Looking.

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