Sunday, September 22, 2013

Mountain Climbing

Picture 7 women traipsing along a mountain path with rugged shoes, ball caps and flashing whistles talking and laughing as they make the climb to what, they are informed, is a spectacular view.  It takes about an hour to reach their goal, with several (let’s say lots) of pauses to catch their breaths although the pretext is to observe the view.  The last little jaunt up the side of the mountain is better done by a mountain goat than 5 inexperienced climbers but at the behest of the 2 worthy climbers we gird our loins and make the last effort to see . . . an crystal clear mountain lake, where the bottom is deep aqua and yet we can also see emerald green moss, clear as daylight.  All is pristine, the trees are quiet as there is no breeze and the sun is shining brightly on the water, causing it to sparkle.  The effort was worth it, we all agree, while we settle down to our packed lunch, pull out our water bottles and breathe in the crisp mountain air.  Then what a surprise as one of the ladies pulls out a flask with . . . wine.  The day is complete.
       This is how I spent my last day off and after waking up with aching limbs the following morning I still was able to say “it was worth it” and that I ought to do this more often, in fact, every weekend would be great.  This of course won’t happen because for one reason or other “things” come in the way of it.  Even as I write I realize how very lame this excuse is, there are places to see, easily accessible and if one is in good health, one ought to do it.
       We shall see, but meantime, another mark against my bucket list, marked complete for my 60th anniversary list.  Ah, the sense of accomplishment is wonderful!

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