Thursday, September 5, 2013

Thursday`s Contemplation

Every time I see a drizzle of leaves floating off the trees I shiver.  I feel like screaming just like that old Staples commercial when children realize its back to school time.  Not just because of the advent of winter’s chill but because it means it’s time to put the garden to bed.  But the positive side is that I can sit on the deck and actually think rather than have my eye roam around the yard, ready to pounce on an errant weed or figuring out another project that needs to be built, for “improvement” of course.
       Yes, it’s nice to sit on the deck and just look around at nature allowing the mind to drift here and there.  Usually by this time of year I am in full swing with social activities and other projects but for some reason I find myself very much in a pondering frame of mind.  Is this because I have turned 60?  Is it because we had a very emotionally fraught summer?  I don’t know the answer but I very much feel unsettled.
       Which brings me slowly (and definitely not without less verbage) to Armageddon.  This is a state to which I have always been fascinated because there is so much scope for what could happen, how it could end, why it could end, and what the end means.  Should the world self destruct by means of a natural phenomenon such as a giant meteorite crashing into earth it would be sad but unavoidable.  But if it should happen because of man, then it would be a tragedy beyond all else.  When I think about how far mankind has come and yet we still behave so primitively I just feel baffled.  I do not understand why the people who lead the world are so selfish and thick-headed.  Not to mention short-sighted.
       Frequently on Facebook people will share little slogans with profound ideas to which 100’s will “like”.  The world is filled with good people, bright people, those with wonderful ideas, great compassion, profound thoughts.  And yet we have lunatics killing their own people and a “great” nation preparing to attack the lunatics “to save the world”. 
       Days like today fill me with despair.    

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