Monday, September 2, 2013

September and New Starts

Another Labour Day weekend when many of us start to think about putting gardens to bed and preparing for a new school year.  Even though school has been over for decades for us we still get into that way of thinking “new beginnings”.  It’s amazing what 12 years of habit can create for a lifetime.  But then, they do say that we create habits within 6 weeks so it shouldn’t really be a surprise that September means a new page for most of us.
       This summer has been a very unusual one with an unprecedented State of Emergency throughout much of our province which in itself has changed so many lives.  Even if we were unaffected directly by the flooding we were exposed to the effects in towns, with our friends and in our businesses.  Watching the City of Calgary rebuild itself in a few short days to host the 101st Calgary Stampede was incredible.  Seeing the unbelievable disaster in High River affected me in a very personal way and some of the stories coming out of that town have made me question many things about media coverage and cover up.
       Through all of this we have also been subjected to the national scandal of corruption in the senate and we have to wonder what our government and our Prime Minister will do about cleaning things up.  As we now know Prime Minister Harper does not deal well with duress; his solution to all things that go against him is to take the ball and go home and pout.  Case in point, proroguing parliament for 6 more weeks is how he is dealing with a bad situation – like we are going to forget what has been going on for the last 6 months?  One can only trust to the sanity of our populace that they will be remembering this come election time.  Oh, and there is the little question of why Canada is not boycotting the Olympics in Russia given the sanctioned attacks on homosexuals.  I guess homosexuals simply don’t have the same human rights as, say, those people in Syria? 
       I’m thinking about those political questions, I’m thinking about human reaction to things and I am wondering about grace under duress.  We humans can be brilliant one minute and then very ordinary, very apathetic, and very uncivilized the next.  It’s quite a perplexing puzzle on the nature of humanity.  I wonder if one those caring persons are covered during the flood recovery for instance, are the same folks that would turn into an angry mob in a different situation or are those a whole different set of people?  I’m not sure.  As my sister and I left the theatre after watching “The Butler” I silently observed everyone leaving and wondered “how would these people behave if a certain section of society was no longer viewed as One Of Us”?  Would they still stay politically correct and feel that it is wrong to attack a certain group for whatever reason, or would they swing with the general feeling?  I really hope that it is the former, that there are enough of us who are brave enough to always do what is truly right – knowing that all human beings have a right to live as equals regardless of race, creed, gender, whatever.
       It’s been a very intense summer for some of us but definitely interesting in every way.

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