Thursday, September 4, 2014

Extracurricular Activities

It’s not all work, work, work even though I am extracting all my hard won knowledge to a diligent student.  I put on my entrepreneur’s hat and sent out a note to my colleagues inquiring if they would be interested in purchasing some eggs from a high performing team of hens.  To my amazement I had a resounding response of “yes, yes, yes” and I am sold out of eggs in one day!  Heavens, who knew?

Actually I must say that I am getting my money’s worth in entertainment out of those little Henriettas of mine.  Every day I find them more tame and willing to respond to my voice.  Certainly they are huddling t my feet, in submission but with the keen idea that once they are petted they are going to get a handful of bird seed (rightly figured out).  But they are so sweet and anxious as they hear me step out of the house or the car at night, anxious to have a visit from the seed feeder (that would be me of course).  When they are let out for their daily run they stream along the grass and look like nothing so much as those “weebles wobble but they don’t fall down” toys.

Any time they hear me call their name they come to attention (most of them) and rush towards me hoping for some treat or other.  Then we have the little rogues who turn a deaf ear and continue chasing butterflies, bugs or some elusive plant life just around the next stone, shrub or tree root.  When I come after them with the broom (known as the persuadercator) they eye it cautiously and then hop around it and head somewhat aimlessly towards a distance that might be “home”.  Most of the time they manage to swing around the corner of the garden shed and hit their coop run, but every once in a while one of them looses her head and ends up going in the opposite direction.  I am pretty sure that I’ve already lost 5 pounds just in running after hens!

Yes, I am entertained daily by these little critters.  Who needs internet games or television when there’s wild life out there?

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