Sunday, September 28, 2014

One flew Over the Chicken Coop

I certainly can never say that I did not get feted and celebrated on my way towards retirement.  I enjoyed a “roast” last Friday which saw my boss take it away in grand style, alluding to my intimation that I would do a little sustainable farming in my retirement.  The puns were flying about with great hilarity and no one appreciated it as much as I did.  My boasting about all my double-yolkers led them to suggest that I needed to “standardize” my production.  My comment that I had to couple of hens still not producing led to references of a possible exit to The Colonel for those low performers.  Lastly there was a comment that I was chickening out of my job.

I am touched and almost overwhelmed by the kindness and thoughtfulness I have received from so many of my colleagues, I honestly don’t think anyone could have received more accolades or words of appreciation.  Does any of this make me have second thoughts?  Not one bit.

I am excited about this next third of my life, I am optimistic that I will have a fantastic future in retirement where I will enjoy things long put on hold.  Certainly I have thought from the beginning of my purchase of my home that I wanted to develop a small farm and make the land produce something.  When I first began planting vegetables the experiences of Selena in So Big recurred time and again.  When I wrestled with nasty weeds I thought of Scarlett in the cotton fields.  When I got my first hens and enjoyed their antics I regretted that someone else had written a book called “The Egg and I”.

Is there a little drama queen in me somewhere?  Is there a humorist lurking in the wings, ready to burst forth?  Optimism led me to purchase canvas at Michael’s along with paints, charcoal and pencils.  Yet more enthusiasm caused me to buy a brand new, fancy dancy camera.  The artiste is about to make inroads even if I only inflict pain on family and friends.

On a more serious note, how long will I enjoy leisure before I start getting irritated with the powers that be?  When will the lobbyist be reawakened? 

Stay tuned for the next chapter in Sanne’s story!

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