Monday, August 3, 2015

Hello Vacation

I'm now writing on the fly, sitting here not so patiently waiting for my brother to pick me up to take me to the airport. 

Yes, the long awaited trip to Poland begins today with a direct flight to Frankfurt and then on to Krakow where my good friend will meet me.  I have been busy all this week talking with both her and my relatives in Denmark and I practically have the month of August laid out hour by hour!  Oh to be so popular.

I spent a wonderful evening with my nephew and mother, chatting over a good meal, excellent wine from my trip to Blind Bay and later we watched the fireworks explode in town.  My nephew is off on his own year adventure in another 10 days so it was lovely to spend my last night at home with him.

Now for the anxiety.  Have you every checked your passport over and over again to ensure that it won't expire while you are travelling?  Have you checked, double checked and triple checked your ticket to ensure you know what airplane you are flying on?  I'm sure you have.  But have you dreamed over and over again scenarios where you can't get on the plane, where relatives are waiting for you "on the other side" but you can't even hear them much less reach them?  Even when I am not planning a trip I have these sorts of nightmares and I wonder why that is because I have actually never had an episode of not getting to the plane on time or not having my passport with me!

Let's not even think about all the duties that I leave behind.  Let's not worry that Mom or John won't read the long list of directions.  Let's not worry about the will.  Let's not worry. Period.

Let's just think about the great month that lies ahead.  I will blog as time permits about my adventures in Poland, Denmark and where the paths lead me.

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