Saturday, October 31, 2015

Revisiting History

I was having quite a rant yesterday from one hot topic on The View so let’s go to another topic. 
Why are we revisiting the question of abortion in Canada and the United States?  Didn’t we agree back in 1972 or thereabout that women had control over their bodies and had a right to make a choice in the event that they had an “unwanted pregnancy”?  Why are we talking about this again?  Has the Boomer Generation found Jesus so now want to rectify their “youthful mistakes”? 
There are some decisions that should be made by neutral parties where emotion is not part of the equation.  That is why we have instruments such as courts and other governing bodies.  We also have the Supreme Court where several judges confer and make decisions.  Religion should never be part of a neutral decision.
People get very emotional when they think about the fetus being “a person” and that is understandable.  However, your personal emotions should have nothing to do with the decision of an individual whose life is going to be unalterably changed regardless of the decision she makes about terminating or not terminating a pregnancy.  It’s not anyone else’s job to judge, to save, or otherwise interfere.  Society made a decision that a woman has a right to make decisions about her body and that includes anything in her body.  Whether you are religious or not, whether you believe in the right of the fetus or not, it’s not your right to decide for another human being; the Supreme Court of Canada and the Supreme Court of the USA made these decisions a long time ago. 
What has changed?

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