Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Reflections During the Holiday Season

As the year draws to an end and while we gear up to making merry it is also a time to start collecting our thoughts and begin making plans for the new year.  As we mature we may begin to notice how each year seems to fly by even faster than the year before.  I cannot believe that 2016 is coming to a close before I have “wrapped my head around” the idea that we were even in 2016. 
These past few of years since we entered the “teens” of the year 2000 I have frequently considered the world as it was 100 years ago.  There have been many films and stories focusing on the first World War so it was not easy to overlook the condition of the world then.  In so many respects we have had a very rewarding century of improvements to life with advances in science and medicine as well as social reforms.  Despite the rather disturbing trend in the past few of years attempting to push social change into a new Dark Age we are still in a better place than most of our grandparents were.
We frequently make resolutions not only for the new year but also at Christmas to be kind to others but our resolve seldom takes us to the finish line; indeed there really shouldn’t be a finish line.  I am hoping that I can do better in 2017 and I know that there are many reasons why I feel that it is more achievable than usual.  It is easy to feel overwhelmed when things don’t seem to be going your way but I reflect on those within my own immediate circle and the struggles they have endured this past year and I think “I’m grateful for what I have”.  If I can help make their lives easier, that is a gift.
Folks, take care of yourselves this holiday season and if you are able to help someone count yourself blessed.  Even a smile helps someone on their way.


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