Thursday, September 20, 2012

More About Privacy

Continued thoughts on yesterday’s blog regarding privacy.  Does celebrity status mean privacy expectations are no longer justified?  Does using social media to express yourself mean you have no privacy in off hours?  Does walking out your front door mean that anyone can now own you?
       Our world is increasingly technology based and every hour of every day we are inundated with the latest invention in cell phones, social media, camera and computer technology and I don’t know what else.  It is a certainty that there is abuse of by all sorts of individuals but at the same time there are a large number of people who use these tools to express their creativity and entrepreneurship in legitimate, meaningful ways, if only to themselves.  For instance the writers of this blog is enchanted to be able to compose work that might be appreciated by an audience they might never have had if it wasn’t for the blogspot opportunity.  People share funny video clips on U-Tube, thoughtful (or maybe not) discussions arise via gamers and sites with conspiracy theories.  There are sites where people connect for romance or friendship.  There is Skype that takes people “live” to their family and friends in far off places.
       Utilizing these tools should not preclude privacy laws or rights.  What is being shared is done in honest and sincerity but what happens behind these four walls is my business.  What happens in my back yard is my business.
       If a person is in a live conversation with someone they may have a slip of the tongues, they may say something they don’t mean in quite the way it came out and they are able to take back the words.  In social media it is not that simple, people seem to take offence much faster by the written word, and yet, given that this is something a vast majority utilize – one should be given the same kind of excuse and courtesy as thought it were a true verbal slip of the tongue.  Not everyone can be careful all of the time.

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