Wednesday, September 5, 2012

To Spank or Not to Spank

There was an interesting article in this evening’s paper discussing the Canadian Medical Association Journal’s push to have spanking outlawed.  Section 43 of the Criminal Code was upheld by the Supreme Court in 2004 ruling that the provision did not infringe on a child’s right to security under the Charter of Rights & Freedoms.  But the CMA feels that it is archaic and inhumane to spank a child.
       I can see it all now, a five year old termagant secures a lawyer and sues his mother for spanking him after he screamed the house down because he didn’t want to eat his turnips or go to bed at bedtime.  Yes, yes, let’s just talk some sense into the child, give him a timeout somewhere (but not too isolated because that could also be considered cruel and unusual punishment – though in a practical sense I’d be wanting to keep my eye on the termagant in case he decided to scrawl on the walls with his . . . you know).
       I am certainly not opposed to teaching parents how to handle children, and I understand why Dr. Phil wouldn’t publicly advocate spanking but even Dr. Spock lived to publicly regret saying spanking didn’t have a part to play in parenting (look it up, it’s true). 
       Here are my thoughts, spanking may be a tool like any other tool in teaching and raising children.  Not every child requires spanking, a word or a look is all that child may need to get her attention.  However some children simply cannot focus no matter how much you may strain yourself to explain the reason for the no.  If a parent must resort to spanking, it should be done in a restrained manner, on the soft spot of the derriere and with a reasoned admonition before, during and afterwards.  Too often an adult may lose their temper and simply hit the child which is wrong.  Of course it is wrong.  But if the adult has said no and the child continues with the bad behaviour to the point of being unmanageable (if you have never dealt with such a child, God bless you), a smack on the bottom, an explanation of why and the resultant escort to bed has always worked for me.
       In a perfect world there would be no physical punishment.  In a perfect world there wouldn’t be lunatic speedsters on the highway either.
       I’m just saying.

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