Sunday, March 3, 2013

Public Inquiry

I am so sick of the constant misuse of taxpayers’ money that I almost want to plug my ears when a new “scandal” starts.  The blowhards we call politicians will yell and scream, point fingers, posture, demand inquiries but at the end of the “scandal” nothing is done, no one goes to jail and the whole thing starts over again.  Case in point, how many times have we heard about the abusive practices in the Senate?  At least since the mid 1970’s there has been a hullabaloo.  Here we are 40 years later where the misuse is so out of proportion wrong that it staggers the mind.  The cover-up is so negligent it parallels the audacity of the Catholic ministry; it illustrates the sheer contempt that our governing representatives have over their constituents.
       The real irony today is that the so-called Conservative party which was the old Reform party, alias Canadian Alliance, who back in the 1990’s were some of the loudest screamers of, what’s that word I’m looking for, oh yes “REFORM”.  They were some of the loudest critics of the Senate and here they are 20 years later milking the system like we taxpayers are a bottomless pit of gold. Meanwhile Pamela Wallin, who “owns several properties in Saskatchewan” and “owns a condo in Toronto” wracks up nearly $400,000 in travel expenses in one year, for God’s sake!  What on earth is a Senator doing travelling to the tune of $400,000 – what duties could a Senator be doing? 
       I’m not just after senators, I am after every last one of those money grabbing leeches we call politicians, or political appointees on various committees (including our health boards).  Yesterday I was watching a program where one of the conservative politicians spoke, not of social programs, but of Entitlement programs which so enraged me I was close to kicking in the television set.  How is it possible that these parasites have the audacity to speak of Entitlement when they are the first at the trough?  My blood pressure is rising even as I type..
       Take a look at the American senators where more than half of them have been sitting in the same seat for 30 to 40 years and when they leave another family member takes over.  Take a look here in Alberta where the party has been in power for over 40 years and at last we are hearing how corrupt the party has been but let’s not get overly excited because each story is quickly buried with what, hush money?  No, not in Canada, our wonderful journalists would never do such a thing . . . and yet, here’s Pamela Wallin, a former journalist, an owner of several properties, who finds it necessary to grab money from taxpayers to pay for her frivolity.
       Shame on us for not putting a stop to this.

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