Friday, March 15, 2013

Rambling Morning Thoughts

It’s still early morning, I’m having my cup of Joe (by the way, when did coffee start getting a name) and doing my radio show quiz.  Then I read the radio show’s news feed and answer their daily poll.  Today’s poll question was “do you think they chose the right pope in Pope Francis I”?  Lucky for me there were three options, the last being “I don’t care” so naturally I chose that (being non-Catholic).  I was quite surprised to see that 58% had also voted that they did not care.  I happen to work with quite a lot of Venezuelans so of course they were pleased to have a South American pope since they are also Catholic.  I also have a number of friends who are Catholic so the poll surprised me because I was out of the normal hoop, I suppose.
       Now the above was a politically correct thought but the truth is that I was surprised because my observation of people is that most often they follow like lambs to the slaughter.  Especially in Canada we have a tendency to approve, nod and allow whatever happens to be the flavour of the day.  Sorry Canadians but it’s true.  We are an extreme example of docility.  Just saying.
       Well, for some reason my mind wandered off in another direction – oh that’s right, there was a picture of a blade of something green growing and I thought “oh, Earth Day is coming up” and then I went to google the date.  Sadly on the official site there is no obvious place to find the date.  Instead they have a time clock counting down 37 days, 6 minutes, 22 seconds and I said “that’s too much math for 6 a.m. on my day off”.  Exit that site and there on the front list on google was the date April 22nd.  Be more alert, Sanne.
       While searching the Earth Day site there was a statement “A great president would tackle global warming” which triggered some irritation in me.  I am not Obama’s biggest fan since I was Hillary’s number one supporter but give the guy a break people.  He inherited a government that was already in crisis, the housing market and banking scandal were already beginning before he took office and you want him to worry about polar bears?  Are you kidding me?  The country is in a fiscal crisis with the jobless rate at a record high and let’s face it, the President is dealing with a Congress that is filled with lunatic non-thinkers.  He has no time to think about global warming except at a very elementary level.  A great president would find a way to overcome the insane structure of the American government model. 
       That’s my thoughts on this early Friday morning.

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