Friday, March 29, 2013

Reunions, Reunions

Despite being a user of social media (blogging, Facebook) I am actually not a big fan of it because of all the misuse that is apparently happening with social media.  I have a Twitter account but quite honestly I do not understand it.  It seems to me that celebrities and others tweet constantly about odd and inappropriate things.  Really, you are going to tweet your sympathies when someone dies?  Bizarre to say the least.
       On the other hand I do think that social media has also provided people with an outlet for creativity in the case of blogging and other websites.  Facebook allows people to re-connect with lost classmates and friends which I believe is a wonderful invention.  The flip side is that one can be “un-friended” or just as bad, completely ignored in that medium.  The other thing is that when you have Facebook and email it is more difficult to pick up the telephone; once you do phone instead of having a short 10-15 minute conversation one ends up being on the call for an hour or more.  That can be daunting when personal time is at a premium, as it is in my case.
       Currently I am in the midst of a phoning blitz with my former classmates and while it can be stressful in terms of time management it can also be very rewarding in having a real conversation with someone you haven’t’ spoken to in years.  There is nothing better than connecting with another human being and my belief is that high school reunions are a must for personal development alone.

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