Thursday, October 23, 2014

Attacks in Canada

Yesterday I was cleaning house and helping my brother with some building prior to a friend stopping by for lunch.  When she arrived she asked if we had heard the news?  No, what news?  There had been an attack at the Parliament Buildings and a soldier was killed.  To say we were shocked is an understatement.  Two attacks on our military on Canadian soil in the same week leaves us in shock and disbelief.

Shock and disbelief?  I am not certain if those are complete emotions in how we are feeling.  There is anger, a lot of anger.  How does a person express all the emotions without sounding like some sort of a racist lunatic?

Let me be brief but to the point.  Canada is a nation that embraces people from all over the world.  We are a country that even has a multicultural policy where we allow people from other countries, other beliefs, other religions to practice those beliefs even to the point of allowing their teenage children to wear a “ceremonial knife” in schools.  We are a country that has been a peace loving and peace keeping nation; in the past we have led missions around the world as peace keepers.  In the past 15 years our role on the international stage has changed in response to changing times on that stage. 

To those would be terrorists in Canada, shame on you.  To all proud Canadians, stand tall, speak out, support our government and do not allow these terrorists to change who we are, a peace loving nation.


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