Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Political Triumph

The day I fell and broke my wrist was the same day of the Alberta provincial election took place and while I was waiting to get my arm set I kept asking the nurses if I’d be out so I could still vote.  Lucky for me that was allowed. 

It’s been a month and I still feel as though I have to pinch myself in order to realize that the NDP gained a majority government.  Despite the polls I just didn’t think it was going to happen but I am certainly very thrilled with the win.  It is going to be an interesting 4 years but I have a lot of confidence in Rachel Notley and her leadership. 
Curiously enough I happen to be reading a book by Wilkie Collins called “The Fallen Leaves” which predicts the advent of social reform in the 1870’s.  By the turn of the century reforms were beginning to happen and by the 1920’s were well on the road to social equity for the masses.  Fifty years after that and suddenly the momentum slowed, then screeched to a halt and now is slowly, year by year moving backwards into a divide of Have’s and Have Not’s.
One of the things that makes me angry about this (and believe me there is more than one thing) is that today we pay a minimum of 34% in income tax, then we pay for Canada Pension Plans and Employment Insurance, property taxes and GST, as well as other, hidden taxes.  Government receives a substantial amount of money from the average person and yet those who govern us consider our Expectations for those Taxes to be “entitlements”.  I do not think that having our children adequately educated is an entitlement, it is a necessity.  I believe that complete health care is essential in a civilized country.  In this day and age we should have good infrastructure (roads, highways, bridges).
Individuals should not be the only ones paying for these things, those who are reaping huge profits should pay their fair share of taxes because it is what is correct in a civilized world.  I find it unfathomable that anyone cannot understand the concept of ratios and fairness.  I find it especially problematic when that individual is a supposed Christian. 
This is not new in this blog as I’ve written along these lines before.  What is new is that we now have the opportunity to see what this particular government can do.  And we can observe what sort of media coverage this government will get.  And what corporate cooperation they will get.  Do you have your binoculars handy?

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