Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Jumpstarting My Thinking

Oh dear even typing down that title has me in palpitations.  That’s correct, my thinking is causing me to be disturbed.  Alright I can hear the sarcasm from my readers, “wasn’t she always disturbed”?
All kidding aside, I have been diligently reading (and thinking) using Maxwell’s little book of suggestions “Jumpstart Your Thinking” but some of the exercises are very daunting. For instance “. . . how does changing your beliefs about the ongoing obstacle to your progress change your expectations regarding it . . .”  I am having to rack my brain to change my mindset from “work related” obstacles to something that aligns with my current life.  So I feel like I am having to do a double-wammy in thinking and naturally one wonders, should that be a problem?  After all, you want to change your thinking, or rather, improve your thinking.
These exercises are serious and remind me to some extent on how I felt about goal setting.  And yet I like the challenge even though I feel that I may be failing in the tasks.  I don’t want to take shortcuts and I have to fight against taking them because Thinking is Hard.  I used to say that scornfully when someone would whine about this or that, feeling very superior in my own ability to think.  Thinking is one thing, but changing a mindset that you have believed was superior is very hard indeed.  First of all you have to come clean with yourself in acknowledging that some of your thinking has limited you in “success”.  You have to evaluate what you mean by success, where you want to go at this stage of your life and you have to look beyond the grave. 
Beyond the grave?  What I mean is that at this time of your life you have to look at the Future as being a future and not as though you are one step away from going to the grave.  You have to look at what you want out of the next 30 or 40 years of your life as being Possible.  So in that regard, I have recognized that I have been talking the talk but I have only been partially believing that it is so.  I can, and I will, have a wonderful, fulfilling life ahead of me.
A week ago I had recommended this book having only just skimmed through some pages but today I give you fair warning, when using this book you will truly have to do some real thinking.  Thinking about thinking, analyzing past thinking and acknowledging that change is needed, can happen and is worthwhile to happen!  So my friends, go for it.  It can be profoundly life changing even for Zoomers, Boomers and Seniors!

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