Monday, February 22, 2016

Thinking About Thinking

Have you ever wanted to remove your head from the rest of you just so you could have respite from all the thoughts swirling around in your brain?  Sometimes the noise in your head is all humdrum anxieties related to every day life and while that is annoying or frustrating it’s not necessarily those type of thoughts that can lead to mental exhaustion.  Sometimes analyzing what happens outside of our control are the things that can make a person go crazy.  Or one can wrestle with a stream of creative thoughts that conflict with each other or are impossible yet desirable.  One can experience a complete jumble of all the different types of thoughts and then it’s time to give up and take a sleeping pill!
Fortunately most days we can regiment our thinking quite well yet this too can end up being a little bit frustrating because we can get stuck inside the box.  We can lose our creative edge or our analytical skills if we become too complacent with routine thinking.
The other day my mother brought me one of her old Familie Journalen for me to read an article relating to living to 100 in which the article mentioned a book I was somewhat familiar with, Bernie Seigel’s “Love, Medicine and Miracles” published in 1986.  I decided to Google the book and discovered a number of other books by him on his website.  The website led me to some other books by different others; what could be more appealing that “Brain Power, Improve Your Thinking”? Since I had just confessed to my sister that I had more than 4 books on the go I resisted buying any of the books but it’s good to know that there are any number of excellent books available to improve one’s thinking.
Thinking about thinking can be both amusing and exhausting but as my mother reminds me every now and again, it’s important to laugh every day and that, my friends, is a no-brainer.

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