Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Making Connections

When you go through a guided meditation you can really experience a breakthrough into yourself and your connection with the universe.  That sounds very airy fairy until you have actually had such an experience when you can get a sense of profound wisdom.
“Earth to Sanne. Earth to Sanne.”  I know that is maybe what you are thinking right now and I am into one of my flight’s of fancy but you would be wrong.  During my last 21 Day Meditation with Deepak Chopra we used the theme Belief.  By the third week I was well into making a connection with the universe and by that I mean that I was seeing past my personal experiences and just sensing space.  And then one day I felt this tremendous connection with others, not personal and not as theory but, Just There.  It sounds very odd as I say until you experience it yourself but it was very powerful and 2 months later I still think about how I felt in those moments.
Yesterday when I was writing about family I had a mental image of my readers judging me or arguing with me about how it isn’t possible to give so much time to their families.  I found myself smiling as I remembered my Connection Experience and it made me shake off that second guessing on whether I should post or not post (you’d be surprised at how many of my thoughts never get posted, believe it or not).
Why does one write?  Is it self-indulgence, wanting to be heard, making a connection, creating a story, using one’s imagination?  Perhaps a little of each but as one blogs one definitely feels they are making a connection with their readers.  Bloggers “put it out there” and for those of us who are Pollyannas at heart we just want to make folks smile, laugh, think and connect.
 Oh, and of course, we all want Peace on Earth.

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