Friday, April 26, 2019


Looks like the prediction for snow all week has come to fruition but I will not let it put a damper on my spirits. As I sit here writing the last sentence I find myself in awe at the power of a positive attitude. I feel strong and happy with a lot of things ruminating in the brain as “projects” to complete in the next few months. When I consider how downtrodden I had been feeling the past two weeks my heart is overwhelmed with compassion for those people who live with constant depression and also those who, while not chronically depressed, have a less than happy outlook on life most of the time. You poor things, I wish I could bottle happiness and you could uncork it, take a whiff and bounce around like the Ever-ready Rabbit!
Yesterday while driving to the garbage dump with my weekly load of garbage they were playing Moni, Moni which has such an amazing beat that I was singing along, bobbing about all the way there. On the homeward drive they played the “here for a good time, not a long time” (I am so terrible at remembering song titles – always have been) which has a nice beat and a philosophy equivalent to carpe diem. I realize what I have been missing for a while and that is the music which I used to play all the time. I had to stop playing it because Mom is not a fan of the new music and now I cannot find my CD player! Sabotage or what?
I never realized how much music can mean in keeping one’s mood in good order so “put the record on” and forget about the snow. J

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