Thursday, April 25, 2019

Sunshine and Happiness

The power of a sunny day is remarkable. One can spring out of bed despite aches and pains, open up windows and doors to let nature in and critters out and take a second cup of coffee out on a cosy deck. Even a grumpy person has to smile once in a while and when is that more likely than on a sunshiny spring day? The sun, as we most likely know, gives us a lot of personal energy with the Vitamin D we absorb through our skin. We may not be aware of how much we literally thirst for it during the winter months but it’s a little bit of heaven to sit on a deck chair, lean back with closed eyes and feel the heat and glow touch one’s face.
As I was soaking up the pleasure of the sun this morning I was inspired to putz around in the greenhouse with my tomato and pepper plants. The other day a girlfriend posted a picture of her plants and sadly my own looked very pathetic in comparison. It was time to give them some Miracle Gro and a little repotting wouldn’t go amiss either. One of my greatest pleasures is to get dirty in the potting shed (also known as the greenhouse) while I imagine the fruits of my labour later in the summer. There is nothing as tasty as a fresh tomato plucked from the vine or a strawberry fresh off the plant.
The green thumb may be a little pale still but I am learning more every year about what works and what doesn’t. Ahh, the joy!

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