Sunday, May 5, 2019

Ageism - Are you Too Old?

It is very curious to hear someone tell you “you are too old”. First of all I thought it was against the law for a potential employer to use those words to an interviewee but even more amazing to me is that anyone would have the crass to say that to someone right to their face! Someone I know recently had that experience and I was absolutely incredulous. 
Here are some reasons why older people are amazing.

·         They have life experience as well as work experience that is varied. These people have lived and worked through an evolution of change not experienced since the industrial age began some 100 years ago.

·         They were raised in a time when work ethic was drilled into their heads which means they are punctual, work oriented, disciplined and loyal

·         They were also raised with values and principles which are lacking in many of the next generation

·         This is the generation that saw women enter, and stay, in the work force while raising a family

·         This is also the generation known as the “sandwich generation” where they are caring for their parents at the same time as they are caring for their adult children. They are keeping their families together.

Now some of these items may seem to be a negative but the fact is that they are towing a huge responsibility without complaining (much) and getting very little credit for it. Furthermore this is a generation that has inherited a lot of baggage from the previous generations and now they, along with their children, are the ones who are going to have to shoulder the responsibility to fix our planet in myriad ways. While many may have been ignorantly complicit in continuing pollution many also were the ones who quietly began recycling programs, reducing driving by taking buses, walking or bicycling, using reusable bags for groceries and other environmentally friendly initiatives.

Older people aren’t perfect but they sure are amazing and I for one have long been an advocate for hiring more mature people in the work place.

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