Saturday, May 4, 2019

Pacing Myself

Actually I am not sure that “pacing myself” is an accurate description of how I pace my days. The truth is that I waste a lot of time playing solitaire on my iPad and watch way too much television even if it is “educational”. I have found that keeping myself organized and writing down what I have been doing on a given day makes me much more accountable to myself. At least I feel that I have accomplished some things during the day which makes me feel better about myself.
I realize that I am in a difficult situation with my illness but I don’t want it to be an excuse for being downright lazy since there are plenty of things that I am still capable of even if I do have to, quite literally, pace myself. As long as I can sit on a stool or chair I am able to do a lot of re-potting of my seedlings. I do have to stand and walk to do the watering but if I take it slow and steady I am able to do that without any problem at all.
I am extremely comfortable in my executive chair as I sit at my computer and write my blogs, go through my emails and even check my genealogy charts. Since sitting is very good for my condition (rather than lying down) it is a good place for me to be, here in the office. I just wish I had more exciting things to write about than my “journaling” but I know many of my followers aren’t so keen when I write my political rants and of course politics is so very interesting (and frustrating) these days.
Now I am having all these struggles with time management, trying not to let myself lose the quality of that time and I know that while my illness may serve as an excuse I do wonder if I would be better at this if I was healthy. I hope so since I certainly feel that I was very good at squeezing a lot of things into my day before my diagnosis. So here’s a question for my readers, do you analyze your time? Is it well spent with socializing, engaging your brain and exercising both your body and mind? I really hope so. While you should always cut yourself some slack when you aren’t feeling great it is important to be able to differentiate between feeling low and being lazy. I think one of the best ways of figuring it out is whether or not you are capable of giving yourself a push to take a walk around the block.
Now wouldn’t it be great if this infernal weather would take a permanent turn towards decent summertime weather???????????????

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