Monday, September 9, 2019

Dark Place

The last two weeks have been especially horrific for me because I have found myself in a state of almost constant nausea which included the inevitable. This has been my fifth (or is it sixth) cycle of the chemo medicine and it is only now that it (apparently) has caught up with me. It has taken me a while to figure out why I was having gagging and vomiting episodes because it didn’t seem to happen at any one particular moment but I have realized that it MUST be because of the chemo along with the sometimes excruciating pain I have been experiencing. Don’t get me wrong, it is not the cancer per se that is causing the pain but rather the walking. Something is setting off a sort of grinding in my hip socket which may be caused by nerve pain although it doesn’t seem likely (to me anyway).
I don’t want to be a whiner but I have to say that last week was especially difficult for me. Thankfully I finished the chemo pills on Friday and almost immediately I felt better. I haven’t had an episode (well, I should say that I had a slight bit of gagging at noon yesterday but I think it was because I was really hungry – LOL).
I am anxious to see my oncologist next Tuesday with the hope that he may have some solution other than pain medicine because I do not believe that the morphine is helping at all with the particular walking pain I am having. In fact, I believe the Robaxacet that I took early this morning has helped much better because it relaxed my muscles which I think have tensed up considerably over the last few weeks. Unfortunately I don’t think the chiropractor helped at all with that bit.
And that’s enough about that. Onwards and upwards!

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