Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of

Do you ever fantasize about winning the 6/49 lottery?  When there isn’t a winner on Wednesday evening and the pot goes from 3 million to 6 million do you console yourself with the thought that more is better?  And as it escalates to 20 or 30 million do your dreams get more grandiose?  Finally, when someone other than you wins, do you then regress back to the modest dreams of the 3 million?
            Sometimes just having the hope of the dream is satisfying enough, at least for those of us who are somewhat settled in life.  I often wonder if winning such a big amount of money would be the breaking of me because, let’s be honest, I am somewhat of a control freak.  I tell myself that I would give away money freely, with no strings attached, but deep inside I just wonder if it is really true.  I’ve read a lot of biographies on wealthy people and seen the biographies on television and my observation is that when people have money they have a lot of sycophants surrounding them.  They don’t like to hear unpleasant truths and apparently misuse people dreadfully.  As well, they all seem to spiral into addictions, the latest fashionable addiction being sex.  Have you noticed that celebrities have “sex addictions” rather than being immoral bastards?
            The drug of choice back in the day was alcohol.  I read several celebrity biographies of the stars of the 30’s and 40’s and they had an “alcohol allergy”.  That’s what they called it to tone down alcoholism.  Today the rich and famous love cocaine.  The foolish ones experiment with a bunch of other drugs and when it gets too much for them they check in to The Betty Ford Clinic.  Somehow I cannot see myself spiralling out of control like that but as I say I remind myself when I am not the lucky winner that God is protecting me from myself!
            Yes, it’s Thursday morning and I have not received my Magic Phone Call – again.  It’s another day and another dollar for me.  I’d like to say that when the happy day arrives I will remember all the little people around me but as I will likely be 102 and well into senility I can’t make that promise.  But the heart was willing!

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