Friday, February 1, 2013

Home Renovations 911

Houston, we have a problem.  Yesterday John finally took the skill saw (or whatever it was) and cut through the floor planking to see what was underneath.  What we have is a crawl space that is sort of stuffed with insulation.  When Mom broke the news to me I was appalled.  I am still appalled.  I cannot wrap my head around the fact that part of my house is not sitting on a foundation of cement.  Cement is like the Rock of Gibraltar to my mind and a home sitting on anything less is, well, less.  That’s the first thing that comes to mind, the second is “what exactly does it mean when there is simply space and then dirt”?
       This big black hole that is underneath the house raises all sorts of potential nightmares for me.  Will a nest of dirt animals find their way under the house and eventually gnaw their way through my floor boards?  What kind of dirt animals are there?  Moles, weasels, badgers, OMG, badgers!  Badgers have been known to bite human legs in half and their claws are mighty enough to claw through wood.  I have a vision of Mom and I waking up with broken legs and a rabid badger ransacking the kitchen cupboards while we helplessly listen from our beds, incapacitated.
       Is the vision of an additional 30 square feet enough to console me for this new knowledge?  Umm, well, let me think.  I’m not sure I can let go of my anxiety but the new potential in this family room does allow me to frolic in my mind.

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