Saturday, February 15, 2014

What's Right Anymore?

Do you ever feel as though the whole world has gone topsy turvey and you are the only person thinking the right way?  Countless times while I am driving I wonder if I am the only one left who knows how to drive correctly. 

Example, this morning as I drove to the grocery store going the speed limit of 110 km per hour on the inside (right) lane of a two lane highway  when I saw up ahead a patrol car’s lights flashing.  I moved over to the left lane, still driving 110 km per hour as we have been told that we only have to slow down to 60 if we are passing the stopped vehicles in the right lane (that is, giving the patrol car a one lane berth).  I moved back into the right lane, proceeded along the way still going the proper 110 km per hour.  As I approached a semi-trailer truck I moved into the left lane to pass (the truck was going less than 110 km); as I did so I noticed a vehicle behind me speeding up so I “passed the truck with authority”, but still the vehicle behind me was going so fast that it was soon up my rear and I had to move up to 119 km in order to pass the truck with any kind of speed.  I quickly moved back into the right hand lane, slowed down to 111 km and to my surprise there was the patrol car, zipping along at maybe 116 km and for the next 15 or so km he stayed in the left lane, cruising along.  At the last minute he zipped over to the right lane and proceeded to the off-ramp to High River.

Really?  There were no vehicles ahead of us in the right hand lane.  Why was he in the left lane the whole way, not to mention he was driving more than 110 km per hour and obviously not giving chase to anyone?  Was that any sort of example in good driving?  How on earth can anyone respect an officer who doesn’t follow the rules he is supposed to enforce?  This just happens to be the incident of the day; I see this sort of thing often enough since I’m on the road a minimum of 5 days a week.  Yes, I am talking about the officers not the other blokes who we all know got their license out of a cereal box!

Since I had a long talk with the traffic expert who will be speaking to us later this month whose advice was to always go the speed and not over I have been doing just that but examples like today make me wonder if I am completely out to lunch! 

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