Monday, February 17, 2014

Yes and No - Feel the Power

I’ve been thinking quite a lot about how my generation was raised.  In today’s world I supposed it would be called “tough love” but I think in the 1960’s (and before) it was called Upbringing.  I suspect that I was a particularly easy child to raise as the idea of rebellion never crossed my mind.  Now it is just possible that I have selected memory here but as I recall, without even really thinking about it, I knew that my parents’ word was law so what was the point in arguing.  It was a Win-Lose situation, they would win and I would lose so why put effort into something like that? 

I have written about this before so I apologize for repeating myself but my parents had no trouble whatsoever in saying no to us and I don’t feel that I have been scarred by that word.  In fact I rather enjoy the power of it when I can say no and not feel guilty.  You should not feel guilty about saying no to things that you truly don’t want to do since this is this is Your Life and your precious time.  On the other hand it also feels great to say Yes to the things that you want to do so there is power in that word as well.  It’s all about knowing what you really want and using the right word in response to the question.

Whether one is raising a family or deciding on what to do with one’s time consider that you have only One Life to Live as you make your choices on how to dispose of your time.  As I wrote yesterday while there is nothing wrong with chilling out with a game or two, sleeping in a hammock (or bed), and otherwise “wasting your time” keep things in moderation in order not to miss out on the valuable things that truly make you happy and are not just mind numbing.  We all have something in us to make our lives richer whether it be in creativity, volunteering, mentoring, working out, socializing and so on.  Don’t sit through life, live it.

I have a dear colleague fighting with cancer right now and how she is living her life with grace and energy is a true inspiration on Living.  She is not sitting Life out and nor will I. 

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