Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Pension Plans and Freeloaders

There has been a lot of talk over the years with respect to underfunded pension plans and the current federal and provincial governments have decided to take the axe to pensions in a number of different ways.  The federal government has implemented delayed pensions for those born after 1958 (I think that’s the date).  The Alberta government, among other things, is also delaying pensions.  The hypocrisy of these moves are simply beyond the pale.  While hard working individuals are forced to work longer, with less, the ones who govern are able to take their pensions immediately on leaving office.  Furthermore they have access to more than one pension as they end up in other public payroll offices.

Rather than point fingers I attach links to several recent articles below.  The audacity of what goes on in government is incredible but more appalling is how these characters continue to stamp out any hope for the middle and lower income people all the while finger pointing and accusing us of feeling “entitled”.  I don’t understand why more people don’t get upset by all the downright pilfering of our tax dollars by these scoundrels.

An example that continues to baffle me is how our premier’s assistant can expense weekly hotel bills at the most expensive hotel in Edmonton on that taxpayers’ account.  Other elected MLAs stay in hotels for less than half.  But in the first place, why would someone who is essentially an employee be staying in a hotel on a weekly basis on taxpayer dollars?  This individual apparently lives in Calgary but is now working for the premier in Edmonton.  So why isn’t this person relocated like they would be in private business?  And if, for whatever obscure reason, it actually is reasonable to house this person up in a hotel – why on earth would it have to be the most expensive hotel in Edmonton?  I am sorry Alison Redford but you absolutely are wrong, wrong, wrong.  Horrendous enough that you would take a trip to South Africa for $45,000 and not apologize; now you ignore common sense cost cutting and again make new apology?  You are on a very slippery slope and I do not give the Conservative government a chance in the next election.  The arrogance of this government is sticking in everyone’s throats, including hard core conservatives. 

I for one will not be sorry to see them go, even if it means having an ultra conservative replacement in the Wildrose party.  I am seriously FED UP.







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