Saturday, November 14, 2015

Cat Drama

There are rumours in the neighbourhood that we have a fox den which may explain the huge teeth marks in Cherie’s butt.  The poor little tyke had to go to the vet as the bite marks were starting to smell rather too much.  Thumper started growling at his brother and there were fights in the night and in the morning Cherie was hiding, shivering, in the bathroom.  Poor baby.  The vet thought it most likely that it was another cat, which I did myself until I saw how far apart the bite marks were . . . they looked very far apart for a cat.  So he said it was possible it could be a fox.  Oh, oh.  As you know I had read an article about foxes around a chicken house.  Foxes are sneaky little devils, they can monitor a chicken coop for weeks before they make a pounce.  While some of the hens are molting right now I still get palpitations when I see feathers in the chicken run.  So far so good.
It is so very true, nature is cruel but nature is true. 
Thumper and Cherie come from the same litter, they are brothers, but typical male cats they are not too appreciative of each other when it comes to sharing their mistress.  Thumper is bigger so he gets to sleep in the bed, he will hiss at his brother when he wants attention focused on himself but when I am gone they cuddle up together and have naps sprawled all over the bed.  They are none too happy when I try to squeeze in for a nap myself.
One of the best things mankind ever did was domestic cats and dogs.  What would we do without our pets?

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