Monday, November 2, 2015

Nature Talks

We are now in the true depths of autumn, when there is a bite in the air, the leaves are gone and the grass is dun coloured.  This is actually one of my favorite months of the year because it spells a time of both quiet and a quickening tempo.  The quiet is simply the quiet in nature as it goes to sleep, animals are hibernating or taking a slower pace, even the birds seem to be slower in their flight across the sky.  As I walk around the property I notice all the empty nests that are sitting in the trees and bushes; there are a number of huge, awkward looking magpie nests that are constructed with large branches that seem to go willy nilly in all directions and there are the smaller brown bird nests belonging to sparrows or wrens.  Up in the corner of the eaves and crossbars of the cabin are the tiered robins’ nests and to my delight there are a couple of “condo nests” where robins have nested above each other.  How wonderful is that to see?
At the same time we have a number of holiday events that pile on top of each other, our Thanksgiving and then Halloween and before that is over the stores are filling up with red, white and green and all the sparkling in between.  People are already planning their Christmas parties, what to wear, what to buy, cards to send, wine to buy and let’s not forget all the budgeting that should be going along with the planning.  For those who think even farther ahead there are the bills and the annual fees that come up right after the holidays.  As one of the unlucky ones whose name is called up for license plates I have all of that to deal with before the end of January.  But maybe that’s going a little ahead of everyone else!
Today was a perfect day to begin my 21 day Meditation series with Deepak & Oprah.  I think it’s amazing to get this free offer a couple of times a year especially when it can really enhance a person’s day, week, beliefs and life.  This time around I am going to be mindful every day in the hopes that it will actually become a daily routine.  As this winter approaches I want to take the opportunity to learn something new every day and this is a great beginning to each day.  How perfect is that for November 2nd?
Below is a link that may get you into the Free Experience.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

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