Monday, April 4, 2016

Preparing for Spring

March wasn’t completely study and reading as the month was unusually warm and many days I was drawn outdoors.  The forecasters and gardeners kept warning us not to get overly excited about the warm weather so I was cautious about getting to heavy into my gardening but I managed to soak up some sun and rake a whole lot of leaves.  I kept wondering, why do I have so many leaves when I raked like mad last fall?  Only the good Lord knows the answer to that one.
I took another course of bee keeping and am excited to report that I will be venturing out with my mentor this very week.  If you don’t hear from me after today it will be because I got stung by a bee (or two) and couldn’t take it.  I am actually very excited about this experience as I find bees extremely interesting and I am sure I will write a great deal about this if I overcome my anxiety about bee stings.  They tell us that we should get it over with right away as it is inevitable to be stung if you are a bee keeper.
Also, tomorrow my new batch of chicks arrive.  I am thrilled to actually be able to raise these as my last set of Henriettas were raised by brother John.  The nesting area has already been prepared for them, food has been bought and the water containers and feeders have all been sanitized for the new gals.  It will be fun to watch the old hens wonder what is happening as they are so incredibly curious.  Whenever the least little thing is being done to their coop or run they are pecking anxiously to get into that area so they can give their own opinion on the change.  It’s been two years and I am not tired of their antics yet.
The one anxious problem that I have is the continued low performance which I am certain is still due to their partiality for their own eggs.  It sounds strange but those little peckers are still trying to get at the eggs before I can recover them.  The problem now, will they teach this bad habit to the youngsters?
Time will tell.

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