Thursday, April 7, 2016

Rights and Rights

The other day I heard some mind boggling decisions made by Mississippi (following on something North Carolina did a while back) namely passing a law that allowed people to deny rights to gay people basing this on these individuals’ own rights to live up to their religious beliefs.  Really?  So now you can declare yourself a Christian and then deny a homosexual a marriage license because your feelings as a Christian cannot handle the task of issuing a license.  If it’s your job to issue licenses I’d like to know what your personal beliefs have to do with that job. 
As a secretary I frequently had to lie for my boss by saying he was not in the office or otherwise denying access to him.  The 10 commandments tell us not to lie but if I had gone to my boss (or the Legislature) to have my rights as a Christian honoured do you think I would have gotten them?  I would laugh if I wasn’t so horrified by a governing body going back into the dark ages on something so archaic as this.
There are Rights and there are rights.   What I am seeing is a regression into prejudice and the next thing the legislature will peel back on are other hard fought rights such as that of women working, getting equal pay and their rights to say no just to name a few.  I don’t care what religion a person owns but if that religion tramples on the rights of individuals the religion is no good.  Too many bad things happen in the name of so called religion for a governing body to give rights to hypocrites at the expense of others who simply want the rights they have been given by a higher authority (and I don’t mean God I mean the Supreme Court). 
Live and let live, for crying out loud.  (and by the way, I don’t think you are a “good” Christian when you have been divorced 3 times so suck it up and give the gay couple their god damn marriage license).

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