Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Tax Time Agony

Here I am drowning in a welter of tax receipts and wishing that this was all over and done with. I know I am not alone in dreading the filing of taxes but there is little comfort in it when you are trying to sort out all the different receipts that can help reduce the income side of the table. As organized as I try to be with my taxes it is still a lot of work once we come to the crunch!
But enough about bemoaning that. Let’s talk about what happens to the tax dollars we pay. Isn’t it lovely that Trudeau can give away our tax payments to the needy pharmaceutical company that just got something like $100 million yesterday? Let’s not forget the millions he has given to other corporate welfare recipients over the past few weeks – we are talking about over $3 billion dollars in the last few months handed over to various corporations. This really does not sit well with me – if companies cannot make it on their own dime why should tax payers bail them out? It isn’t as though more jobs were made, or the ones “in peril” would be saved. Witness Trudeau’s unfeeling attitude towards the Sears employees – he doesn’t give a flying F*&% about them.
I just get so boiling mad at all the hypocrisy we endure on a daily basis with our government. And I get furious with the media that boosts up notorious assholes like Jason Kenney and at the same time befouling those few honest politicians like Rachel Notley, Jane Philpott or Jody Wilson-Raybould. Already you can sense the tide is turning on these latter two women. It will be interesting to hear what those 11 names will testify – if they are called as witness by the Justice Dept. I rather doubt it will be happening. I smell cover-up big time.
Ah well, what can we do about it except vote for something new.

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