Saturday, May 5, 2012

Feeling Good

There are certain things that simply make a person feel good about themselves and everyone around them.  Fresh milk, apple pie, sunshine, a perfect choice in clothes, chocolate, a daisy, a favorite pet greeting you coming or going.  The simple things of life.

      There’s something else that can make you feel good about yourself, like when you make the right choices in life.  I’m not talking about when you decide to graduate from high school or when you decide what university to go to, or taking the job.  I’m talking about the choices you make that mean the difference between right and wrong. Moral choices.

      Most of us aren’t put against truly tough choices, thank heavens.  We aren’t asked to choose between a decent life and that of a drug dealer, for instance.  But how often do you find yourself in a spot where you can choose to be silent or make a wisecrack remark?  How often do you bit your tongue instead of sharing some gossip?  Simple things.

      Two days ago a man surrendered his seat to me even though he had probably had  a very long day at work.  He made a choice to make another person happy.  Do you ever find yourself a bit cranky during your day and find it really hard to smile at someone?  Just think about how easy it would be for you to overcome that crankiness and smile.  Not only would you make the receiver happy, but you would instantly start to feel better yourself.

      My mother and I were talking today while we were sitting in the sunroom, watching the rain pour down.  She asked “why are people so mean these days?”  I had to shake my head and say “I don’t know”.  I think part of the reason is that people are too material in their thinking.  I also think that they honestly don’t even think about morals, principles, ideals, ideas much less passing them on to their children.  I can name three women in this town just off the bat who think money, designer clothes and having their daughters popular is the most important thing in their lives.  I can guarantee you that these women have never once told their daughters that they should be grateful they live in this country nor have they been asked to give anything back to the community they live in – unless they could get something out of it.  These are just women who popped into my head this afternoon in our conversation, not friends, but acquaintances.  If I thought a few more minutes I could name several others, no problem.

      My parents didn’t teach me to give back but they did teach me to maintain certain principles and ideals that belong to our heritage.  I bless myself every day that I was raised with integrity.  I feel so sorry for young people today who don’t seem to have any guidance.  They are trying to figure it out all on their own.  And it shows.

      Keep smiling.  Your life could be a whole lot worse.

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